matiasperz_@www ~ $ whoami

Hi, I'm Matias Perez, a creative developer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I started my journey in the frontend world as a UI developer and now I'm moving into the canvas 🧳.
Passionate about 3D on the web, crypto enthusiastic and outer space fan 🪐.

matiasperz_@www ~ $ which skills

Currently making cool shit at:

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matiasperz_@www ~ $ ls -l
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 matiasperz_ matiasperz_ 1024 Aug 12 2019 blog/

matiasperz_@www ~ $ ls -l ./redes
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 matiasperz_ matiasperz_ 1024 Aug 12 2019 twitter/
drwxr-xr-x 2 matiasperz_ matiasperz_ 2321 Jan 30 2019 linkedin/

matiasperz_@www ~ $ cat ./contact.txt


matiasperz_@www ~ $